Friday, October 17, 2008

Sharing (part 2)

Some of the sharing things this week get me really excited. First, What an incredible invention! A couple of years ago I discovered http://youtube.comand was excited about the opportunities that it presented for sharing the gospel with others. At the time I had recently produced a DVD and I decided to upload some of it. It has been seen a few times, and I feel good about that. I also taken some spiritual videos I have (like one of President Hinckley expressing his love to college students) and posted them as well.

In addition, I’ve added some videos that I thought were funny (Grinchmas) and some that are good family videos. All of these videos can be found at: To celebrate the “sharing” of this week, I uploaded a new video this week. Be one of the first to see it!

I also found a great way to do podcasting. Go to and check it out. You can record a phone conversation and turn it into a podcast or save it as an .mp3 file. And it’s 100% free. I will soon be adding some podcasting features to a new website I am working on:

There are clearly lots of great gospel-sharing sites on, and I have used some in the past. Sadly the fact that I am doing research for this blog at BYU limits my ability to provide you links at this time. But I did check out (why is blocked and revver is not?) I found a great video clip that is doubtless available on youtube, but you can find it here:

Well worth watching. Great LDS video.

As to the educational values of these kinds of sharing there are many. In fact the challenge is finding ways to sort through all of the information that is there. For example, has hundreds of high-quality university courses that can be downloaded as audio or video files. If I had hours of free time I would listen to them…but right now I am so engrossed in my other studies that I “don’t have time.” But as I look backwards I saw that in my “pre-doctoral” life I did have some time, especially when I was traveling that I could have used to listen to these lectures, and so I hope that I will have this kind of time in the future.

1 comment:

Linda B. said...

I am excited to view your podcasts and visit some of the indicated sites! Great job!

Linda Bradford